LaTeX Macros#

Most probably you want to add some of your LaTeX math commands for the rendering. In KaTeX this is supported by LaTeX macros (\def). You can use the katex_options configuration setting to add those:

katex_options = r'''macros: {
        "\\i": "\\mathrm{i}",
        "\\e": "\\mathrm{e}^{#1}",
        "\\vec": "\\mathbf{#1}",
        "\\x": "\\vec{x}",
        "\\d": "\\operatorname{d}\\!{}",
        "\\dirac": "\\operatorname{\\delta}\\left(#1\\right)",
        "\\scalarprod": "\\left\\langle#1,#2\\right\\rangle",

The disadvantage of this option is that those macros will be only available in the HTML based Sphinx builders. If you want to use them in the LaTeX based builders as well you have to add them as the latex_macros setting in your and specify them using proper LaTeX syntax. Afterwards you can include them via the sphinxcontrib.katex.latex_defs_to_katex_macros function into katex_options and add them to the LaTeX preamble:

import sphinxcontrib.katex as katex

latex_macros = r"""
    \def \i                {\mathrm{i}}
    \def \e              #1{\mathrm{e}^{#1}}
    \def \vec            #1{\mathbf{#1}}
    \def \x                {\vec{x}}
    \def \d                {\operatorname{d}\!}
    \def \dirac          #1{\operatorname{\delta}\left(#1\right)}
    \def \scalarprod   #1#2{\left\langle#1,#2\right\rangle}

# Translate LaTeX macros to KaTeX and add to options for HTML builder
katex_macros = katex.latex_defs_to_katex_macros(latex_macros)
katex_options = 'macros: {' + katex_macros + '}'

# Add LaTeX macros for LATEX builder
latex_elements = {'preamble': latex_macros}