
If you find errors, omissions, inconsistencies or other things that need improvement, please create an issue or a pull request at Contributions are always welcome!

Development Installation

Instead of pip-installing the latest release from PyPI, you should get the newest development version from Github:

git clone
cd sphinxcontrib-katex
# Create virtual environment
pip install -r requirements.txt

This way, your installation always stays up-to-date, even if you pull new changes from the Github repository.

Building the Documentation

If you make changes to the documentation, you can re-create the HTML pages using Sphinx. You can install it and a few other necessary packages with:

pip install -r docs/requirements.txt

To create the HTML pages, use:

python -m sphinx docs/ build/sphinx/ -b html

The generated files will be available in the directory build/sphinx/.

It is also possible to automatically check if all links are still valid:

python -m sphinx docs/ build/sphinx/ -b linkcheck

Running Tests

sphinxcontrib.katex is supposed to work for all versions sphinx>=1.6. To test that you have to use a stripped down version of the documentation that is provided in the tests/ folder, as the documentation under docs/ uses features that are only supported by sphinx>=1.8.

To test that everything works as expected, please execute:

python -m sphinx tests/ tests/_build/ -c docs/ -b html -W
python -m sphinx tests/ tests/_build/ -c docs/ -b latex -W

The same tests are automatically performed by Travis once you create a pull request on Github.

Creating a New Release

New releases are made using the following steps:

  1. Bump version number in sphinxcontrib/
  2. Update CHANGELOG.rst
  3. Commit those changes as “Release X.Y.Z”
  4. Create an (annotated) tag with git tag -a vX.Y.Z
  5. Push the commit and the tag to Github
  6. Check that the new release was built correctly on RTD, delete the “stable” version and select the new release as default version